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The language develops as the media become various, many years ago, people used the language that was very formal, because most oral language was always the same as the paper language. But as the time by, people started to use computer, they shared the information, at the same time, many new language was created. The Internet language is in favor by people, they like to use it, because it is fashionable and very appropriate to express what they mean. I like to use the Internet language, it is so new and fun, what’s more, it is convenient, like I can use the shorten words instead of the long words. The problem of the Internet language is that it is very informal, it can’t be written in the paper, it will changes as the time goes by. In my opinion, we can use the Internet language in informal occasions.



Natural Resources

Nature has provided us with many kinds of resources. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from Nature. The food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materials to make bikes we ride, etc. all come originally from Nature.

People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of materials taken has increased. It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to come.

However, natural resources are not in exhaustible. Some resources are already nearly used up. For example, the end of the world’s fuel is already within sight. Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains.








Smokers are about to get help kicking the tobacco habit: an interactive computer game that aims to “coach” cigarette users away from their addiction.


Based on the successful “Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking” method which reportedly has helped more than 10 million smokers to stub out their cigarettes once and for all, the game, designed for Nintendo DS, will be developed by the Quebec bureau of California-headquartered Ubisoft.


In the smoking cessation game, players enter a brief personal smoking history and their tobacco habits and choose a personal coach to guide them through the process of quitting, according to a press release issued by Ubisoft.


Fifteen mini-games help to “dispel the illusions about nicotine addiction” and players can track their progress in kicking the habit using the “Path to Freedom” meter.


“And even after that last cigarette butt has sullied the ashtray, you can still play the game and measure the daily benefits you get from your new life without cigarettes,” Ubisoft promises.


“The player experiences a truly interactive engagement with the game, through which he or she learns that it can actually be enjoyable to quit smoking,” said Christian Salomon, vice president of worldwide licensing at Ubisoft.



Everybody has his or her interest, and interests differ widely from person to person because of age, sex health and education. To some extent, interest also reflects one's ability or wish. Interest plays an important part in our daily life. As a middle school student interest is of great importance in study. If you want to learn something well, you have to show interest in it, which is quite possible. Once you have found your way into the subject, you may have also found a world of curiosities.

In our times, interest may not only result in skill and knowledge but also lead to great inventions and discoveries. To be a successful person in the world one should develop one's interest.


The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.


Dim lamp, I looked at the cup of tea, boiling water, the impact of time and time again, let me feel the fragrance of tea. That bitter taste in his mouth, a point slightly sweet, but also by my greedy mouth to the occupation, and eyes dim, hazy outlines of the memory, can no longer be hazy memory already.

Work as much as “cook a meal,” a playful little, the teacher's serious “inhibition” the laughter of the Miao, the pressure of the heavy, “created” in the dreams of us - growing pains. Open the heavy book of memories, that little thoughts, perhaps tired of back and some memories back.

“At first” arrive, I am a fragile being “enemy” aimed at the “vulnerability” opened a fierce shot, that vulnerable, I, in the “blood” at the expense of ground could be a “sleeping inside burning the midnight oil to see volume, Dreaming rang Beishi ”and I once again stood up. Those days are dark, puzzled me, and learn and sometimes I have to find a seat has not yet withered and yellow grass, and sometimes a desk, windowsill side to see the rows of trees standing in the distance is hard, for the only be able to issue a final touch of Brilliant Green. What are those trees? I have no way of knowing what effect this relationship? As long as they are trees, would be sufficient. When I looked at them a daze, the heart will be a myriad of thoughts, when my eyes back to the tree when the mood suddenly see the light, the pressure disappeared and instead engaged in learning among busy.



The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.






―Could you please cut the price a little?

―Er … ______ you buy more than ten.

A.even ifB.so long asC.thoughD.as soon as

The lunch period will be _____ from 30 minutes to an hour from now on.


What made them concerned was that the disease was spreading more ____ than expected.


---I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

---That’s _______ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life.


While you are traveling abroad, attention should be paid to _______ you _______.

A.preventing; from being finedB.prevent; from fining

C.prevent; from being finedD.preventing; from fining

Since the present situation is very complex, I think it will take me some time to _____ its reality.

A.come acrossB.figure outC.look throughD.put off

Unfortunately, when we dropped in, Mr Smith ______ for Indonesia to rescue the injured people there, so he could spare little time for a few words.

A.has just leftB.just leftC.had just leftD.was just leaving

The son asks his dad why the chameleon(变色龙) can ______ the color of its background.

A.take onB.take upC.take inD.take over

The country has sent up three manned spacecraft, the most recent ___ at the end of last March.

A.has been launchedB.being launchedC.having been launchedD.to be launched

- What about my career prospects? Is my work contract ___________?

- I think so. If we’re satisfied with you, you can become our permanent worker.



Dear Laura,

I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted whether such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you____.

I wanted to do something very ____ for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He ____ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it ____ it looked almost new. I was so ____ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet (头盔) and a riding outfit (装备).

I could ____ wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to ____ the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a ____: “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”

I was so____. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could____lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one.” was my husband’s ____.

I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could ____ this expensive gift.

Of course, the ____ awoke, and my son was thrilled (激动的.) with my reaction. Many kisses were ____, and I immediately wanted him to ____ my gift.

As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not ____ what I was expecting. Then I ____ that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.

Of course I was the proudest mother ____ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.

So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still ____ and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!

I thought you’d love to ____ this story.



P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.























To: All members of the sales department

From: Annette Derringer

Re: Year-end party

Date: November 26


This is just a quick note to let you all know the arrangements for next month’s year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the evening of December 21st. I’ve received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you haven’t let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.

The Green Vale manager has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is sufficient parking space for only 100 vehicles, so they would like to ask those of you planning to drive, try to car-pool as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a minimum.

Thanks in advance,


To: Annette Derringer aderringer@belway.com

From: Kyle Berwick

Date: Nov 28

Subject: Year-end party


This is to let you know that I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on the 21st although I don’t think I will be able to arrive before 8:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a last minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and I know they’d love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then can you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, I was planning to drive down in a single car, to reduce the need for parking and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the car.

I have a couple of days off before the party, but I’ll be in my office until the 17th, so could you get back to me before then? Thanks a lot,


1.What’s the main purpose of the memorandum?

A.To explain the arrangement for an event.

B.To encourage people to travel by car.

C.To ask for help arranging a party.

D.To thank people for attending the party.

2.Why does Kyle Berwick write to Annette Derringer? Because he wants to _____.

A.ask the price of movie ticketsB.explain why he cannot come to the party

C.request directions to a hotelD.ask if he may bring guests to the party

3.Which of Kyle’s points is NOT mentioned in the memo?

A.Payment for extra guests.B.Storage of personal items.

C.Parking restrictions??? .D.Timing for the evening.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The manager of the Green Vale doesn’t hope they go there by car.

B.Annette takes charge of the arrangement of year-end party.

C.They can take as many belongings as they can with them when going to the Green Vale.

D.Kyle Berwick won’t bring the guests to go to the party if he has to pay the tickets.

We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.

“You could win prizes,” our teacher told us as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard. She passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing, “The first prize is ten dollars. You just have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster.”

We studied the board critically. Some of us looked with one eye and held up certain colors against the blackboard, rocking the sheets to the right or left while we conjured upour designs. Others twisted their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought. We had plans for that ten-dollar grand prize, each and every one of us. I’m going to spend mine on candies, one hopeful would announce, while another practiced looking serious, wise and rich.

Everyone in the class made a poster. Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins, while others used nothing but colored construction paper. Some of us used big designs, and some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one corner of our poster and let the space draw the viewer’s attention to it. Some of us would wander past the good students’ desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense of hopelessness. It was yet another grown-up trick of the sort they seemed especially fond of, making all of us believe we had a fair chance, and then always―always―rewarding the same old winners.

I believe I drew a sailboat, but I can’t say that with any certainty. I made it. I admired it. I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen,and then I turned it in.

Minutes passed.

No one came along to give me the grand prize, and then someone distracted me, and I probably never would have thought about that poster again.

I was still sitting at my desk, thinking, What poster? when the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.

1.What was the teacher’s requirement for the poster?

A.It must appear in time.

B.It must be done in class.

C.It must be done on a construction sheet.

D.It must include the words on the blackboard.

2.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.

A.formed an idea for

B.made an outline for

C.made some space for

D.chose some colors for

3.After the teacher’s words, all the students in the class________.

A.looked very serious

B.thought they would be rich

C.began to think about their designs

D.began to play games

4.After seeing the good students’ designs, some students________.

A.loved their own designs more

B.thought they had a fair chance

C.put their own designs in a corner

D.thought they would not win the prize

5.We can infer from the passage that the author________.

A.enjoyed grown up tricks very much

B.loved poster competitions very much

C.felt surprised to win the competition

D.became wise and rich after the competition


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The ability to do several things at once has become one of the great measures of self-worth for 21-century Americans. It is called multitasking, and it takes many forms. As one example, why go out to lunch when you can eat at your desk, talk to a client on the phone, scroll through your e-mail, and scan a memo simultaneously? And why simply work out on treadmill (单调的工作) when you could be watching television and talking on a portable phone at the same time? What a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment --- three activities for the time commitment of one! Ah, such efficiency. No wonder those who turn “to do” lists into a time-management art form tend to boast (自夸): “Look, me, how many things I can accomplish at once. If I’m this busy, I must be important.”

Yet last week the New York Assembly struck a blow against multitasking, at least behind the wheel, when it approved a bill banning drivers in the state from using handheld cellular phones. Too dangerous, the assembly said, citing research showing that drivers are four times more likely to have a collision when they are talking on a cellphone.

No one can argue against using time effectively. But accompanying the supposed gains are losses. Consider the woman out for an early-morning walk in a suburban neighborhood. She strides briskly, head down, cellphone clamped to her ear, chattering (喋喋不休) away, oblivious of the birds and flowers and glorious sunshine. Did the walk have any value?

More than a decade ago, long before multi-tasking became a word in everyday use, a retired professor of theology(神学) in Indiana with whom I corresponded (通信) made a case for what might be called uni-tasking ― the old-fashioned practice of doing one thing at a time.

Offering the simplest example, he said, “When you wash the dishes, wash the dishes.” Good advice, I’ve found, whatever the task.

Perhaps, too, the ban on phoning-on-the-road will even spark a move away from other forms of dual activity. Who can tell? It could mark the first step in a welcome reconsideration of what really constitutes productivity and accomplishment.

1.The author thinks that multitasking has become one of the great measures of self-worth because ________.

A.it helps people to use time effectively

B.it makes people feel they are important

C.it means the ability to do several things at once

D.people worship speed and desire

2.The bill approved by the New York Assembly is mentioned in the second paragraph in order to ________.

A.demonstrate the danger of multitasking

B.show the high efficiency of multitasking

C.introduce the legislation system in America

D.argue against using time effectively

3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “oblivious” in the third paragraph?

A.seriousB.absorbed deeply?

C.not noticingD.forgetting

4.We learn from the passage that uni-tasking is ________.

A.the new fashion for 21-century Americans

B.accepted by most residents in Indiana

C.created by a retired professor of theology

D.the traditional act of doing one thing at once

5.In the eyes of the author, multi-tasking ________.

A.could not be avoided in this fast-changing age

B.should be taken the place of by uni-tasking

C.robs people of time to focus and reflect

D.should not become a word in everyday use

Can you believe everything that you read? It seems as if every day, some new articles come out about a new discovery about this or that. For example, water is bad for you, or good for you. The answer depends on which scientific study has just come out. People cannot decide which food items are healthy, how pyramids were constructed, and why dinosaurs disappeared. When we look for answers we sometimes can believe persuasive researches and scientists. But how trustworthy are they really? Here are two examples of scientific hoaxes (骗局).

As far back as 1726, Johann Beringer was fooled by his fellow scientists into thinking he had made an amazing discovery. The fossils of spiders, lizards, and even birds with the name of God written on them in Hebrew were unlike anything that had been found before. He wrote several papers on them and was famous for those only to have it revealed that they were planted by jealous colleagues to ruin his reputation.

When an early human being was discovered in 1912, scientists at this time were wild with excitement over the meaning it had for the theory of evolution. There were hundreds of papers about this Piltdown man over the next fifty years until it was finally discovered to be a complex hoax. The skull (头骨) of a man had been mixed with the jawbone of an orangutan (猩猩) to make the ape (猿) man.

The next time you read the exciting new findings of a study of the best scientist, do not automatically assume that it is true. Even qualified people can get it wrong. Though we certainly should not ignore scientific research, we do need to take it with a grain of salt. Just because it is accepted as the truth today does not mean it will still be trustworthy tomorrow.

1.What is the reason why Johann Beringer was fooled?

A.His fellow scientists wanted to make fun of him.

B.His workmates are eager to become famous too.

C.These scientists made a mistake because of carelessness.

D.His colleagues was jealous of him and did so to destroy his fame.

2.The excited scientists thought that this Piltdown man ________.

A.was in fact a complex hoax

B.was a great scientific invention

C.contributed to the theory of evolution

D.had the skull like that of an ape

3.What does the underlined phrase “with a grain of salt” in Paragraph 4 mean?



4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Hebrew is probably a kind of language.

B.Truths of science will never be out of time.

C.People believe scientists because they are persuasive.

D.We are advised to believe famous scientists.








Dear Sir,

I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be a host family.



Li Hua















谢谢您,老师。是你让死的历史活了起来,并让我真正理解了历史意义 ,它不是一个提分的工具,更不是可有可无的科目,历史的真正意义是借鉴,以史为鉴,开创未来。这八字牢牢得记在心底。谢谢您,老师。





The new wave of plant-based “meat” is going mainstream and straight into one of America’s most iconic chain fast-food burgers, the White Castle Slider. White Castle announced Thursday it is introducing a vegetarian fake-meat version of its famous mini-burgers. The burgers is one of several scientifically engineered products made to make plant ingredients (成分) taste just like beef. Called the Impossible Slider, it will be first sold at 140 White Castle eateries in the New York, New Jersey and greater Chicago areas with the potential for a nationwide promotion.

The White Castle Impossible Slider---made with smoked cheddar cheese, pickles, onions and a bun---features a 2-ounce patty and costs $1.99. That compares to the chains traditional 0.9-ounce mini-cheeseburger at about 94 cents. “Plant-based proteins are growing. We felt it was a good opportunity to test it with our customers,” CEO Lisa Ingram said. “We think it will appeal to a broad range of customers---those that are meat caters who want to try something different and non-meat eaters who want this.” She also said the new sliders might bring in new customers, too.

The Impossible Slider represents what few in the traditional beef industry thought possible---that cowless meat would be a hit in a country known for its meat-and-potatoes diet and love of burgers. Plant-based meat alternatives are growing at rate of about l1% a year, according to the research firm Acosta. The market isn’t just vegetarians: Some 71% of people who buy plant-based meat also eat the real thing.

“Interest in meat alternatives seems to be driven by consumers at large, not just those looking for vegetarian lifestyles, but looking for diversification( HF1c)of tastes and health benefits,” said Billy Roberts, senior food and drink analyst at the global market research firm Mintel. “Our business is a growth business. There’ll be increased demands for products like the Impossible Burger,” Impossible Foods Chief Operating Officer David Lee said. “People are increasingly asking about what impact food has on the environment and our health.”

1.What is the selling point of the Impossible Slider?

A.Its low price.B.Its good taste.

C.Its high technology.D.Its plant-based ingredients.

2.According to the passage, who may be attracted by the Impossible Slider?

① People living a vegetarian life

② people looking for various tastes

③ people valuing health

④ people dislike fast-food


3.What can be inferred from David Lee’s words?

A.Curiosity drives more people to buy the Impossible Slider.

B.People’s concern over the environment and health may help the new business.

C.People’s doubt about food impact may stop the Impossible Slider’s popularity.

D.Eco-friendly people play an important part in promoting the Impossible Slider.

??? You may have heard the expression “buying into the dip”. We usually think of this in terms of nesting (投资) --- for example, recessions (经济萧条) offer an opportunity to take advantage of buying cheap stocks that were once expensive.

But to me, “buying into the dip” is a term which covers a lot more than that. There are a few reasons that I was able to “buying into the dip” and start a business during the Great Recession: ChopDawg.com had zero upstart costs, with no need for any credit to get started. No loans, just $10 for the domain name. I picked a service that only required my own time and labor and that’s basically it, Not needing credit was a big deal for me, and I didn’t even think about this at the time.

I was also selling a service that was priced at just the right rock-bottom level to fill a need local small business badly needed more sales, since so many had cut their spending due to the recession. A website could give these businesses a new way to reach their customers, new and old.

From an economic standpoint, the Great Recession was an opportunity to start if you were selling the right thing at the right cost. During recessions, the pool gets way less crowded. Potential competitors become much more unwilling to risk, but for those who have an in-demand service, and the means to provide it, you are in business.

Back in 20xx, website design had not yet become a commercial service, Offering web design as a service for small businesses was a novel idea, and many mom-and-pop shops didn’t know they needed it yet, which brings me to this: if you can solve a fresh-out-of-the-recession pain point at the right price, you have a chance of buying into the dip and helping a lot of people at the same.

1.What is “buying into the dip” to the author?

A.Selling things at low costs.

B.Buying cheap stocks in time.

C.Offering help to small businesses.

D.Starting a business with the least investment.

2.What does the underlined word “novel” in Paragraph 5 mean?



3.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.Start small--very small.

B.Keep an eye on what you may need.

C.Serve right--quite right.

D.Adapt to changes in the Internet service.

??? When I was 10 years old, I asked a neighborhood kid who was older than me, “Which city is further west: Reno. Nev., or Los Angeles?” The correct answer is Reno. Nevada. But he was convinced it was the other way around.

He was so convinced that Los Angeles was west of Reno that he was willing to bet me two dollars. So I went into the house to get my Rand McNally Map. The kid looked at the map and said. “The map is drawn funny.” It wasn’t. Was his argument that the map didn’t preserve east, west, north and south? What kind of map would that be? I showed him if you trace down the 120-degree west line of longitude (经度)---which runs almost directly through Reno, Nev. --- you end up in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere west of Los Angeles.

He replied that lines of longitude don’t cross the ocean.

What? I told him that the lines of longitude were there to show how far west or east some location was, regardless of whether it was on land or on sea.

There was one problem, however. He was bigger than me.

I drew a number of conclusions from this story.

There is such a thing as truth, but we often tend to ignore it. Also, it’s not just thinking something that makes it true. Truth not relative. It’s not subjective. It may be hidden. People may wish to ignore it. But there is such a thing as truth and pursuit (追求) of truth: trying to figure out what has really happened, trying to figure out how things really are.

Almost 15 years ago, I came across a story about an innocent man, a man who had been sentenced to death in the Huntsville, Texas, electric chair. And through hard work and luck, I was able to make the movie The Thin Blue Line and to help get him out of prison.

What kept me going was the belief that there had to be answers to the questions. “Did he do it?” “Was he guilty or innocent?” “If he didn’t do it, who did?” and that I could find an answer to these questions through investigating (调查).

It’s not that we find truth with big “T”. We investigate and sometimes we find things out and sometimes don’t. There’s no way to know in advance. It’s just that we have to go ahead as though there are answers to questions. We must go ahead as though, in principle, we can find things out-even if we can’t. The alternative is unacceptable.

I will never know whether the neighborhood kid really didn’t understand the logic of my argument about Reno. Nev. Or whether he understood it completely and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to admit it. Or whether he understood it and just didn’t want to pay up. I’ll never know.

All I know is I never got my two dollars.

1.Why does the author tell the story of the neighborhood boy?

A.To recall his good old days.B.To show his good sense of direction.

C.To introduce the topic of finding truth.D.To stress the importance of geography.

2.Why did the boy say “The map is drawn funny.” in Paragraph 2?

A.Because he had fun reading maps.

B.Because he refused to admit his mistake.

C.Because the map was drawn in a different way.

D.Because there were some mistakes in the map.

3.What encouraged the author to make the movie The Thin blue Line?

A.His devotion to films.B.His willingness to help.

C.His belief in finding answers.D.His mercy for the innocent man.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Great minds think alike.B.It’s never too late to learn.

C.Truth never fears investigation.D.Honesty is the best policy.


Going green is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and help the planet. Being green is all about reducing how many resources you use, reusing items when you can, and recycling items that can’t be reused. 1.

●Carry a reusable water bottle so you will not need bottled water.

2.. Not only does it create trash, but it also uses more resources because it’s shipped to the store. To be more eco-friendly, make it a habit to carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink water on the go. Plastic bottles are usually the lightest and most convenient.

●Use reusable bags while you’re shopping.

Shopping bags make it easy to carry your items home, but they also pollute the planet. Skip the store’s shopping bags and bring your own instead, Use a backpack that you already own, or purchase a couple of reusable bags from the checkout area at your local grocery store. 3..


Before you throw something away, look for ways you might reuse it. Try re-purposing items or making green crafts. This will help you keep trash out of the landfill. For example, instead of throwing away a jar, you might use it as a glass, vase or storage container.

●Reduce the amount of time you spend using electronics.

While electronics are really fun and help you feel connected to your friends, they also use up a lot of energy. Schedule breaks from your electronics so you can use them less. During your breaks, do something fun like going for a walk playing a game with your friends, or pursuing a hobby. 5.. For instance, instead of playing online video games together, go to a local part.

A. Glass bottles have come a long way in recent years.

B. Reuse items to save them from the landfill.

C. You can use your reusable, bags at most stores.

D. Bottled water is really bad for the environment.

E. You probably need to change your personal habits

F. Invite your friend to connect with you in real life.

G. You can find ideas for green crafts by searching online.


The school I attended carried out a tradition during the eighth grade graduation. A scholarship jacket was _________ to the student with the highest grades for eight years.

I had been a straight A student since the first grade. The principle called me into his office before _________. “Martha, there’s been a _________ this year about the scholarship jacket. As you know, it has always been _________.” He cleared his throat and continued, “This year the Board decided to charge fifteen dollars-which still won’t _________ the complete cost of the jacket.”

I stared at him in _________, Standing with all the dignity (尊严), I said, “I’ll speak to my dad about it. Sir, and let you know tomorrow.” I wanted the jacket so much. It _________ eight years of hard work and expectation. Upon my arrival at home, I walked slowly to Dad. I cleared my throat _________ and put my hands behind my back _________ he wouldn’t see them shaking. “Dad, I have a big __________ to ask you. This year the scholarship jacket is not going to be free. It’s going to cost fifteen dollars and I have to take the money tomorrow. __________ it’ll be given to someone else.” The last words came out __________. I waited, __________ he’d say I could have the money.

Dad said __________, “What does a scholarship jacket mean?” I answered quickly, “It means you’ve __________ it by having the highest grades for eight years. Too late I realized the significance of my words. Dad knew I understood it was not a matter of __________.

It was a very sad and withdrawn girl who __________ into the principals office the next day. I looked at the principal, __________ my eyes to stay dry. “If I had to __________ the scholarship jacket, then it wouldn’t be a scholarship jacket.” He looked at me, biting his lips, as if __________. “Okay, we’ll make an exception in your case. You’ll get the scholarship jacket for free!”












12.A.in a rushB.in a whileC.in detailD.in order







19.A.pay forB.give upC.pick outD.toy with




1.Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give p________ for the production of GM foods.

2.When people think of factories, they think of clouds of dirty smoke or of pipes p________ chemical waste into rivers.

3.Even though I was hurt, I forgave her and she later made an a ________.

4.Two people were arrested yesterday at a Paris airport for bringing animals into Europe from South America ________ (against the law).

5.Life is not ________ (without hope). Don’t suffer in silence.



The UK produces more electricity from renewable sources 1. it did from fossil fuels. That means the energy 2. (produce) from wind farms, solar panels, biomass and hydropower plants is more than the amount of energy from coal, oil, and gas. This is something 3. hasn’t happened since the UK’s first power station opened in 1882.

Renewable energy production accounts for 40% of the UK’s electricity, with fossil fuels behind at 39%. Of the 4. (remain) 21%, the majority came from nuclear power stations.

Less than 10 years ago, the fossil fuel contribution 5. the UK electricity market was around four-fifths, but the situation is changing 6. (quick). Back in May, the country 7. (go) six days without burning any coal at all―and indeed coal-powered plants are due to be closed by 20xx.

It’s encouraging 8. (see) that the country that kicked off the Industrial Revolution is now helping to lead the way towards 9. renewable future―because of the UK’s size, it’s not going to make the biggest 10. (differ) to CO2 levels overall, but lets hope the other nations will follow suit.


假定你是李华,你的好友张林要抄袭你的作业,被你拒绝,你们为此都不开心,请给Life of Teens杂志编辑写一封邮件寻求帮助,内容包括:

1. 简述写信事由;

2. 寻求帮助。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate.

In the last 50 years, gases pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate, Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earths temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change. If we continue to produce carbon dioxide and other gases in such huge quantities, we are expecting severe consequences. Recent reports have warned that global warming will cause terrible climate changes including more frequent flooding, heat, waves and droughts. Serious disease will spread and industries that rely on nature will be badly affected. Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice to melt, raising sea levels and flooding many islands and cities. How can we stop these disasters from happening?

Government all over the world should take on the responsibility, but this is no easy task. Some governments express reservations about whether global warming is really caused by human activities. Many people believe that they are simply not prepared to give up the amount of money they make from industry to save the earth.

But why wait around for governments to take action? Experts say that each person plays their part. They suggest making small changes like taking public transport, recycling using low-flow shower heads, and buying light bulbs that use less energy. Even simple things like using recycled paper or switching off the light when you leave a room can help. If we add up all these small changes made by everyone worldwide, they won’t be such small changes. They could be the changes that save our future.





Li Ao, a famous Taiwan writer, TV commentator, historian and lawmaker, arrived in Beijing for his first visit to the mainland in 56 years.

Li, 70, said he was driven not by nostalgia(怀旧) but by curiosity, insisting he did not come to see the old China he had lived in, but rather “to see the new China”.

During a 12-day visit, he will speak to students at three top universities---Peking University tomorrow, Tsing Hua University on Friday and Shanghai’s Fudan University next Monday.

He will meet schoolmates of his former primary school in Beijing, visit the Palace Museum and participate in TV programmes and online chats.

Waving his new passport before departing Monday from Taipei, Li said he was eager to make his first trip since his family left the mainland in 1949.

After visiting Beijing, he will head to Shanghai, where he will give a lecture at Fudan University. After that he will visit Hong Kong and then return to Taiwan on September 30.

Last week, at a conference organized by Hong Kong-based Phoenix Satellite Television, Li said he hoped the trip would promote cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits.

Li was born in the city of Harbin in Northeast China and grew up in Beijing. At the age of 14, he moved with his family to Shanghai and from there to Taiwan in 1949.

He is well-known by mainland intellectuals(知识分子) for his satire, sharp commentaries and criticism.

He is also honored as a loyal advocate(拥护者)of China’s reunification(重新统一), which he believes is “irresistible”, and has maintained that the sooner reunification comes, the more beneficial it will be for Taiwan.

In a related development, Peking University authorities say Li will be permitted to read some ancient books, which are rarely shown to the public.

Beijing’s No. 4 Middle School, where Li once studied, also says it plans to give him his student card as a gift. Li published his autobiography(自传) in 20xx. His novels include “Mountaintop Love”.

1.What’s the purpose of Li Ao’s visit to the mainland?

A.To drop in on his relatives and friends.

B.To come to see the old China he had lived in.

C.To have a peaceful talk with Chinese government.

D.To see the new China and promote cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits.

2.According to the passage, Li Ao will visit the following EXCEPT _______.

A.Nanjing UniversityB.Fudan University

C.Tsinghua UniversityD.Peking University

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Li Ao moved to Taiwan at the age of 14 from Shanghai.

B.after visiting Shanghai. Li Ao will also visit Hong Kong.

C.Li Ao’s visit to Beijing begins on September 20.

D.Beijing’s No. 4 Middle School is Li Ao’s mother school.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Famous writer arrives on mainlandB.Li Ao, a famous writer

C.Li Ao’s speech to the college studentsD.A peaceful trip to mainland

Dear Students,

I am delighted to be your guest.

I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes difficult. I have seenfamines, wars, earthquakes, poverty and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and happiness.

In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was looking after two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them, and taught them. She gave them hope.

Another time, I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake, in one place. I found an old lady whose house was in ruins, her son was missing and rescue workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not give up hope. For four days, she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop until she found her son. He was alive.

Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious condition. He had undergone twenty operations and spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be sad, but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.

In life, we need role models that we can admire and learn from. When my life is difficult, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.

1.The speaker is giving a speech to students in __________.


2.The underlined word “ famine ” in Paragraph 2 means __________.

A.extreme lack of foodB.joyC.luckD.pleasure

3.What can we learn about Rosa?

A.She’s a rich lady and she likes to help the homeless children.

B.She’s a great mother and she looks after the homeless children.

C.She’s a kind-hearted woman and she provides houses for the homeless children.

D.She’s a good teacher and she teaches the homeless children.

4.For what does the speaker admire the Turkish woman and the Chinese boy?

A.Their bravery.B.Their luck.C.Their age.D.Their strong mind.

A JETLINER slammed into a crowded neighborhood in Medan, Indonesia’s third largest city on Monday. It burst into flames and killed at least 149 people, many of whom were on the ground. Up to 15 passengers survived the crash. Two Chinese business people from Fujian Province were among the dead. The black box has been found and will be the basis for further investigations .The plane belonged to low-cost carrier Mandela Airlines. Indonesia has at least 22 low-cost carriers. Many of them have been forced to cut spending to keep low fares amid intense competition.

EXPERTS from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan gathered on Monday to discuss the feasibility of building an underwater tunnel across the Taiwan Straits. This is the fifth time talks have been held since about constructing the world’s longest underwater tunnel. In January 20xx, the Ministry of Communications announced China’s highway network construction plans for the next 20 years. They include a highway from Beijing to Taipei. The construction of the cross-Straits tunnel has been formally listed in the country’s communications development plan.

PRODUCTION of small cars will be encouraged to cut oil consumption, clean smoggy city skies and reduce traffic jams , an official from the National Development and Reform Commission said on Monday . Many big cities in China had previously banned small cars from expressway. However, with international oil prices consistently rising and pressure from China’s oil consumption growing, the bans do not match the national situation.

1.Which of the following can be the key words of the three paragraphs?

A.Air crash, Tunnel, Small cars

B.Air competition, Network construction, Traffic jams

C.Indonesian plane, Taiwan Straits, Oil consumption

D.Crash investigations, Communications, Car development

2.The writer agrees ?????? .

A.to stop using small cars in citiesB.not to ban small cars in cities

C.not to reduce consumption of oilD.to have none of international situation

3.The conclusion of the crash cause will be drawn mainly from ??????? .

A.the pilotsB.the two Chinese

C.15 survivorsD.the black box

4.Which is the right space order of the things mentioned in the three paragraphs ?

A.On land , under the sea, in the air .B.In the air, on land, under the sea.

C.Under the sea , in the air, on land .D.In the air, under the sea, on land.

Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Florida’s weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings’ expert care , will produce a good crop of oranges this year.

But Ed has to fight against Florida’s changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Ed’s entire orange crops. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed Rawlings is prepared for the frosts(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer of ice on the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.

What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is sucked in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed Rawlings has effectively used this method to save many orange crops.

But Ed still faces some difficulties. The trees should be watered at the exact moment the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also just the right quantity of water must be used. Too much water can form a thick layer of ice that will break the trees’ branches. Another difficulty is that wind blows away the heat. So Ed has to worry about not only when but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used.

Computer technology may help Ed Rawlings with some of these worries. With equipment, air and soil temperatures and wind speed can be measured. The information is fed into a computer which can tell when temperatures drop to freezing. The computer can correctly decide the quantity of water to be used and how frequently the trees should be watered. Ed Rawlings will find looking after his orange trees a lot easier with the help of a computer, and we’ll all have the benefits(or advantages) of computer C age oranges.

1.The passage is mainly about????????? .

A.a farmer’s expert care for his orange trees

B.the different uses of computers

C.growing oranges in Florida’s changeable weather

D.different ways of frost protection

2.In the writer’s eyes, computers????????? .

A.are too expensive for small farmers

B.can be a valuable tool for the farmer

C.can be used to help oranges grow bigger

D.cannot take the place of the farmer’s experience and judgment

3.Which of the following is NOT NECESSARY for Ed Rawlings to do?

A.He should water the orange trees as soon as the temperature drops to the freezing point.

B.He should decide the quantity of water for the orange trees.

C.He has to water the orange trees more often in January and February.

D.He has to judge how often he should water the orange trees.



1.The answer is that the government needs money for many things, for example to pay its army, to build public facilities and to buy goods from abroad, and only the people of the country can supply the money.

2.That is, a person pays according to the amount of his income. Whether he is a merchant, a doctor, a lawyer, a shopkeeper, a miner, or anything else, he must pay tax if his income is more than a certain amount. This is called a “direct” tax, because it is paid in money direct to the government.

Another tax is paid on goods such as watches, jewelry, tobacco, wine, etc. When they are brought into a country, such a tax is paid as part of the price of these goods if they are later sold in shops.3.

People usually complain about having to pay taxes, but they forget that the money is spent on things that they and their families need. We need policemen to catch thieves, and they must be paid what they earn; children need education and there must be schools and teachers; we want our streets to be kept clean, and the wages of men who do this kind of work have to be paid.4.And we cannot have an army without paying for it.

5.We have no real cause to complain when we are asked to pay taxes for the good of ourselves and for our fellow citizens.

A.Why must we pay taxes?

B.Why do people often complain?

C.Taxes, therefore, cannot be avoided.

D.Taxes, however, should be cancelled.

E. One of the most important taxes is income tax.

F. We call it “indirect” tax, because it is paid indirectly through the shopkeeper.

G. Above all, the country must always be ready to defend itself against attacking enemies.




Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang.He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight.“You need_______,”his father said.“But if you don’t work hard,no fortune will come.”

What made him sad was_______his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him.“You have no talent(天赋).You will never be a pianist.”___________________________He decided that he didn’t want to be a_______any more.For the next two weeks he didn’t touch the piano_______,his father didn’t push,but waited.

Luckily,the day came when his teacher asked him to_______some holiday songs.He didn’t want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,he_______that he could show others that he had talent_______That day he told his father_______he had been waiting to hear―that he wanted to study with a new teacher________that point on,everything turned around.

He started________competitions(比赛).In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition,when it was________that Lang Lang had won,he was too________to hold back his tears.Soon________was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever―he had to play on the world’s big________In Lang Lang________again,this time to Philadelphia,U.S.There he spent two years practising,and by he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over.After his________performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival,gigs(特邀演出) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started______________________________________发现) him,and lets him________









9.A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all














There are various kinds of theme parks, 1.a different park for almost everything. Disney Land can2.(find) in several parts of the world. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true,3.you are travelling through space, 4.(visit) a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale. Dollywood is5.of the most unique theme parks in the world. Although Dollywood has 6.(ride), the park’s main attraction is7.culture. England’s Camelot Park is a theme park8.you can experience the ancient clays and great deeds of English knights and ladies. Every area of the park is modeled9.life in the days of King Arthur. So whichever and 10.(what) you like, there is a theme park for you.











Dear Steven__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Wang Ke


In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie. That's unfair. In fact, women can work no worse than men. There's nothing that women can't do.

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights.

Equal Rights between Men and Women


Today  on a bed early, and sister together to the library. Found that there are a lot  of big brother elder sister the elder sisters still on the weekend in learning,  I also soon blended in such environments. So quickly found a book about the  environmental protection through the magazine, found that now China's  environmental crisis, in fact, for the world, this undoubtedly is also a crisis!  People of wild animals and frontiers wanton arbitrary cut down the trees and  flowers, optional littering, all this threat to the entire earth, the whole of  the human race.

On  the way home, my heart can't be calm once, the book says many is actually in my  side, but I rarely found this, some behavior I in casual in May also do,  although it seems to have no what, but for the human ecological environment is a  kind of destruction. I deeply realize, to do well the work of environmental  protection from yourself, from small start.


Live in my house too, west town, in front of my house have a long big ditch, if before, I will lift up his thumb kua it, but now, I to them for it.

I had been playing at this ditch since I was a child, and when I was five or six, my father often took me to the ditch to play with water. Every summer, the ditch water full, the fish in the water in teams, to chase, weeds on both sides of the ditch is thick, the duck likes to wear to wear in the grass, as if to hide and seek, every day early in the morning, when the flashing dew on weeds, the duck is singing. The clear gutter flutter eastward, and it seems to be singing merrily, and every afternoon it is a paradise for our little children.

Later, in imperceptible in, the ditch water become dirty, smelly, can't see even a small fish, groove face floated from time to time some of the animal's body, all kinds of plastic bags, rod, leaves cans... It turns out that in recent years, so more and more sand industrial park of the new factory, the factory waste water directly into the ditch without being cleaned, people also casually to ditch the trash, throw bricks... Now, on both sides of the ditch lush reeds by some cut to feed the sheep, and the remaining red willow also few, isn't here birds build nests, the duck is not here to sing, sometimes the ditch floating around, large and small, dead fish.

Ah! Hometown, how beautiful is your original clean ah, but now you became a contaminated town, I loudly cries from the bottom of my heart: “people, wake up, protect the ecological, environmental protection, obligatory. Only in this way, can save water, save home, save the planet, save ourselves.”

Today, ignorance of humans, endless mirror to factory waste gas, waste liquid and smoke a lot of emissions into the earth mother's skin, blood, released into the earth mother feed in the milk of humans, only emissions into the atmosphere every year all over the world lead, mercury and cadmium, respectively is 200 tons, 11000 tons and 11000 tons, the clouds smoke, waste gas, the thick liquid waste and sewage, bared his teeth like contemplating the cancer cells to came to me and hit my body health, and even to protect the earth mother and our ozone layer veil torn two tunnels, ultraviolet relentlessly burn the earth mother's skin, cause serious damage to our survival. You see, we often think of metaphor is the sky blue sea, white clouds, the analogy is white cotton, the grass as green carpet, and the actual is all grey, these changes in the environment, make me sad, let me to tears.

Human clothing, food, shelter, and practice are all dependent on the gift of nature. The atmosphere, the forest, the lake sea are all the conditions that people depend on. We humans should be awake, destroying the natural environment, which is the equivalent of destroying our homes and creating hunger. Let us act, my friends! Protect the environment, be duty-bound!


On Sunday morning, the sound of water woke me up from my dream. I got out of bed and thought the sewer was leaking! But when I walked into the bathroom and was shocked at the of sight at once, the water faucet of the flow, splash, but dad is not afraid of cold, is leisurely washing towel! At that time, my heart was in the fire, and I said to my father, “father, how can you waste water! You are not ignorant of the water in our xinjiang!” But father said carelessly, “this little water is worth a few cents!” “But if our whole family is wasting water like you, there are more than a few in a week!” I argue that dad with a sigh, “alas,” and then said: “the good daughter, you give my dad a lesson today, is my bad, I later can't waste water.”

The father smiled, I also smiled, the father's smile was the knowledge of the mistake changed the later smile, and my smile is saving the resource, the protection of the environment smile!


Modern  houses are built with brick, cement and other materials, neither environmentally  friendly, and time-consuming and laborious. And dangerous. And I invented the  house is perfect, and now I introduce it!

This  house is an environmental tree. When you buy a house, the salesperson will ask  you to fill out a table, including the floor, the number of rooms and the  allocation. After filling the table, he will give you a seed according to your  request, you seeded in the ground, and soon will grow a tree, this is your  house.

Inside  the furniture are environmentally friendly, is made of garbage after recycling,  very environmentally friendly. Many types of houses, willow, poplar, locust tree  and so on. These houses are true trees. They can be sand, shock, wind ... ...  its function can be more, that can not finish.

Its  portable function is also very strong. You buy a bottle of reducing agent in the  sales company, sprayed on the house, the house will change back to the seed, to  the place, and then on the soil, it will change back to your original  appearance.

How  about the house I invented? Unfortunately, just imagine, I believe that one day  will become a reality