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The sound of firecrackers in the sky more and more dense, filled with flowers in the air more and more concentrated, the streets wearing new clothes happy children playing more and more, these seem to explain the Spring Festival is getting closer to us.

Today is the New Year's Eve, my grandma at night. Mother, aunt and father together to do dinner. New Year must eat dumplings, dumplings is our North must have some delicious rice, the family around to eat dumplings, said reunion 'happiness, the next year to make a fortune. Afternoon we began to dumplings early, I will not pack but I want to learn, I wash the handbag dumplings, the first one I took a lot of dumplings put a lot of stuffing look like a mother to squeeze the skin rotten, Dumplings stuffing also get full hands are the second time I put a little stuffing, dumplings are wrapped around, is like a Dutch bean, flattened flat nothing to see my grandmother and mother pack like a big ingot, I think I dumpled dumplings too ugly, things were my father saw, my father said: “You should be based on the size of the skin put the appropriate dumplings stuffing, I saw my father wrapped a few dumplings, I thought I would try to pinch one, I And took a way by daddy dumplings, I slowly pack finally squeezed out a decent dumplings, I am very happy.

Afternoon we should do a few dishes, and our family's chef mother to cook, there are all poultry and duck fish. The dinner, uncle to open the TV Spring Festival party began, I watched TV eat their own bag of dumplings, do not mind how happy.


Chinese people called New Year's Eve, in accordance with the customary customs of the Chinese people, each household must eat a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the harvest fruit over the past year.

My family is no exception, the morning my father went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, came back when I happily went to the kitchen to see if I like to eat the side dishes, I see I usually like, but I The most like to eat seafood is the same did not buy, I asked my father, he said: ”Vegetables must go to the morning to buy, you can buy the freshest, you can pick the freshest, seafood to go to the afternoon to buy long time It 's not good to be fresh.

Usually I like to eat my father to do the dishes. Originally, he was in the election of vegetables, should be so “smart”, and sure enough he went to buy a lot of seafood back in the afternoon, every kind of jumping look are greedy.

Afternoon dad on the busy open, wash the wash, cut the cut, cut every kind of lettuce are installed plate, no disk also put some carrots and cucumber coke, so that the first to prepare the work well, Wait for the cooking when the convenience of the dishes will not burn out cold, put a carrot and cucumber colorful festive cooking to talk about color, flavor.

And finally wait until the time to eat, my mother grandpa, my grandmother took over my family to eat reunion dinner, Dad also Seiko secret agents to his “masterpiece” are completed, the table filled with a wide variety of delicacies, we have funny , The United States and the United States to enjoy, really delicious. I think this year's “New Year's Eve” than in previous years should be delicious, because I not only enjoy the delicious food, but also taste the father's cooking art.

The guns outside the window more and more loud, and our dinner is also close to the end of the.


Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what’s more, the food was not healthy, so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won’t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy.

In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself.


In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat . They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors. Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill.

And sports play an important role in our diary life. less exercise are bad for health. Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. So I exercise every day. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.

The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes.


My brother and panting ran on the second floor, third floor, and finally came to the fourth floor of the big box. I have a look, wow, really beautiful! Saw a gorgeous glass lamp to shed a warm light, different shapes of curtains dancing with the wind, an orange cloth sofa lazily leaning on the golden walls, the walls carved with exquisite patterns : There are two claws of the dragon, there are beautiful rainbow, there are fertile world scenery ... ...

Eat it! Delicious dishes exudes seductive aromas, light brown foie gras, orange-red carrots, dark green vegetables, golden chicken ... drink my favorite corn juice and taste tastes slowly. At this time, ears suddenly heard someone put the sound of fireworks, my brother and 100 meters sprint came to the window, I saw a light bullets have jumped up the sky, and instantly out of a variety of Flowers, while the sky reflected into the big red, while the sky turned into a grass green grass, only a little blinked eyes, the sky has become purple! Distant high-rise buildings in the fireworks under the irradiation, but also constantly changing the color, as if the model is doing fashion show.

Thirty night, I really have fun, have fun! “If every day is thirty years, that the good ah!” “West”! I clutching his mouth secretly laughing, really silly girl! I know that this is just my wishful thinking, over the years, soon to school, and I should be more full of enthusiasm into the fiery study to go, to achieve better results!

Bless China, bless the Wenchuan, blessing Shengzhou, bless the small of their own!


Host Family Application Dear Host Family: Thank you to take some time off to read this letter. Wang Yan is my name, I’m a student from Liaoning University of Technology. I will head to your beautiful country and start my professional career which will last for a week. I sincerely hope that you can offer me a chance to be a part of your life, to be your student, friend and a member of your family.

As a foreigner, I really need you as my teacher. The most important goal of my trip is learning - learning of advanced technology, learning Japanese culture and history, learning communicating with Japanese in Japanese, learning surviving in another country, a totally strange place for me. Indeed, this week will affect me so much that it will establish a firm foundation for my future work and study. To achieve this object, I can’t leave the help from you. You will be the best teacher I ever have.


I wish to make friends with all the members in your family. I will join in your life smoothly and quickly, although I know that may cause some discommodities at beginning. I want to bring Chinese style friendliness and passion to your home and try to establish a culture exchange environment. While learning from you, you may acquaint some knowledge of Chinese culture, society and history from me either. I believe we will get to know each other and become good friends ultimately.

I will do whatever I can to fit in your family as soon as possible. Considering your feeling, respecting your own custom, helping the house works I capable in, managing my own life and getting along well with all the family members, I will try my best to be a qualified member and not bother you. The last things I want to do are disturbing your original life and causing chaos in your house.

In the end, I cordially wish that you can admit me as a part of your family, to bring brand-new changes to my life and yours. You will be a witness of my growing, and I will make the best efforts to let this week be a wonderful memory of yours too.

Yours sincerely

Wang Yan















篇11: 新年家庭聚餐作文



































我的老爸老妈是两位痴迷的武术爱好者,每天晚上都会习惯地练起太极拳。这不,今天晚上,为了展示这几天来的练习成果,我们就自主举行了一场别开生面的武林大会。 在比赛开始之前,先介绍一下,本次大

会的主裁判、主持人就是我,大会的红方是老妈,蓝方是老爸,比赛的场地就是客厅。 比赛开始,首先比的是推手。爸爸妈妈马步站好,一只手搭在对方的手上,互相推来推去,最后被推得脚离地或动者则输,制服对方者则赢。爸爸妈妈互相用手掌来回推着,每一秒钟,每一个动作似乎都暗藏玄机。突然,妈妈以迅雷不及掩耳之势,向老爸猛然一推,老爸手忙脚乱,不知所措,可似乎早有准备,差点就要倒在老妈面前的时候,来了一个反攻。老爸用脚传输力气,然后向前一蹬,把力传给手,最后用手掌向妈妈一推。妈妈被这一掌打垮了,脚稍稍一动,便被我判输。爸爸得了第一个开门红,笑得合不拢嘴。“第一局,蓝方胜!”我高喊着,欢呼老爸的胜利。 第二局比的是太极拳的技击法。这老妈可在行啊,而老爸呢,可要试试他的运气如何了。红方和蓝方摆开阵势,爸爸先向妈妈发动进攻,向妈妈来了一个“双峰贯耳”,妈妈则将他的两只手擒住,然后向两边掰开,使出了“揽雀尾”,爸爸立刻没有了力气,然后妈妈再使用“手挥琵琶”向爸爸一推,爸爸大败,差点摔了一跤。妈妈得意极了.要求再战,爸爸可不服气,立刻又向妈妈发起第二次进攻。爸爸使用“搬拦捶”一拳打去,妈妈闪身躲过,然后抓住爸爸的手,借他的力,顺手牵羊,把爸爸打得失去重心。“这可尝到妈妈的厉害了。”爸爸说道。这个回合,妈妈赢了爸爸,双方打成了平手。 这次比赛,爸爸妈妈虽然不分上下,但是与他们平时刻苦钻研,积极锻炼是分不开的呀。

篇16:空中英语情景口语对话:A Family Get-Together 家庭聚餐

Candy : Mommy, when will we have dinner? I'm starving.

Mother : Soon, honey. We have to wait for grandmom and grandpa.

Candy : Aren't they in Canada for the World's Exhibition?

Mother : They were, but they will join us for dinner today.

Mike : Hi, Mom. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Jill Lee. Jill, this is my mother.

Jill : How do you do, Mrs. Miller.

Mother : How do you do, Jill. I'm glad you can join us. (To Mike) Ask your father to come downstairs. I need his help. (To Jill) Make yourself at home, Jill.

Jill : I will, Mrs. Miller. (The door bell rings.)

Candy : I'll get it....Grandmom! Grandpa!

Grand-Parents : Hello, my little princess.

Mother : (They embrace each other.) How was your flight?

Grandmom : It was tiring!...Look who is here! Mike! (They embrace.) You've grown taller and stronger since I last saw you. And who is this beautiful young lady?

Mike : She's my girlfriend. Jill, come meet my grandmom.

Jill : How do you do.

Candy : Could we have dinner now, Mommy?

Mother : OK, Candy. Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybody's here. Then come help me set the table.

Candy : All right, Mommy.



1.Exhibition n.展览、展览会。动词为”exhibit”,意为展览展示。

2.flight n.飞行,动词为”fly”.


I have a happy family, there are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. I go to school from Monday to Friday, on the weekends, I will go out with my parents, they always take me to different restaurants, we will taste different food. At night, my mother will tell me a story, then I can have a good dream, I love my family .



Everyone has a family.We live in it and feel very warm.There are three persons in my family,my mother,father and I.We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.

My father is a hard-working man.He works as a doctor.He always tries his best to help every,patient and make patients comfortable.But sonetimes he works so hard that he can't remember the date.

My mother is a woman with a bad memory.

She always does a lot of housework,but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness.For example,one day,she washed clothes in the washer,after the washer finished the work,she found she hadn't filled the washer with water.

Now let me tell you a funny thing:one day,father wanted to get up early as usual,buthe wasn't able to do that,because he hadn't set the alarm clock the night before,so when he got up,he did everything in a hurry.After father left,mother said to me mysteriously,“He will come back soon.

” “Why?” I was greatly surprised.“Because today is Sunday,his holiday!” Just as mother said,father came back home soon,and went to bed again--he was too tired.

You see,what an interesting family have!I hope that you will have one like mine,too.



career or family: which is more important?

when asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

it goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. in the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. what’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. most of the people earn their income from a job. on the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. in addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. in my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.



My father is a big fat man, about 1 meters 65. Like oil, a kind of junk food such as kfc. My brother and I inherited all the characteristics of dad, but one thing was the common feature of my brother and me. It's like playing computer games, especially violent games. Grandpa is different from dad. Grandpa uses food and clothes badly, but dad is a big one. He always uses luxury and luxury. Mom is a very serious person. In bad words, she's a tigress. We manage very strict, not I boast, she can say you dozens of times a day, nagging for hundreds of years ah. My aunt is a successful person, went to college, got a job, became a white-collar. I'm an introvert, and I always do what I have to do or what I promise to do. Brother every day was too, they are the boss at home, who refused to listen to his fierce fierce cry cry. Until someone agrees.

This is my happy family.




I have a happy family. There are three members in my family. My father, my mother and me. My father 38 years old, he is a Manager. He is high and strong.He has a pair of big and black eyes. He likes yellow color. He’ s good at playing basketball. My mother also thiry eight years old, she is an editor. She is thin and tall. She has long black hair. Sometimes she wears a pair of glasses. She’s good at singing and dancing. I am ten years old this year. I am a pupil. I like the blue color. I like to play the piano and chess.Usually we read together,watchingTV,or outdoors ports.I love my family!





It is on March 27, 20xx, I just got home from school, my mom told me, mom and dad play hide and seek with me for a while. I said: “too good, mom and dad play hide and seek with me!” After a while, dad to my bedroom, let's rock, scissors, cloth, decide who to catch. “Stone scissors cloth, oh, too bad, how is my grasp!” Father said, “that's ok, maybe you just caught us?” I think: “yeah, I might suddenly caught them?” But I caught a very long time didn't get mom and dad. I said: “mom and dad I'm hungry, I want to eat.” Mom “ceng” jumped out from the closet, the original mother into the cupboard, the mother gets. “Yi? Mom came out, dad? He should also come out?” Mother told me: “your dad hid in the bed, you go find him!” So, I didn't give dad to catch. Father said, “I used to hide and seek in the class is king, unexpectedly caught by you, it's unbelievable!” “That's because mom told me where you are, so I have caught you.” I said, and I laughed.



TV destroyed the friendship and family?

there is much controversy today about whether television has destroyed communication among family and friends. some people argue that the communication is baffled by television. others criticize that television improve the relationship of family and friends. i totally agree with the latter one.

watching tv is a time for the whole family to stop from whatever they are doing to get together. while watch tv, they start to talk about the content of the movie, which is also a kind of communication. imagining the tv disappears, we would do reading in rooms, while our family would do laundry, do washing dish or going shopping. it simply provides a chance for us to stay together.in addition, the tv supplies us with much information, which we have not known in our daily lives. some of the constructive movies show on tv, like a family story, a love story, or so on, reinforce the relationship of a family and friends. whats more, we learn from the story that it is important to cherish the broiling of a family and friends.

at last, it is a kind of recreation that a family or friends can choose to have. communication can be undertaken by many means, for eample, going shopping together, entering a bar, talking intimately about ourselves. in effect, watching tv is a way to let us together and share our happiness with each other.in my opinion, tv provides us opportunity to be together and communicate. in this diversified society, tv doesnt destroy communication among us but show us another way of getting together.



home education, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now。 it may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm。 george washington and abraham lincoln both received their education at home。 and there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home。 an estimated two million american children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools。 the number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise。 being comparatively rare cases in china, home schooling is repeatedly reported as an attractive and promising alternative。

parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons。 many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools。 they want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude。 they prefer to choose the subjects on their own。 they also think caring parents make the best teachers。 studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well。

proven benefits of home schooling are obvious。 but educating kids at home may not be the right choice for all families。 it may not be practical, and dose not constitute an important approach to children education。

with computer aided education more and more available and effective, school education has advantages home education can never catch up with。 no family has resources which is adequate for modern education。 parents, althoug they are most caring, cannot be competent and qualified as trained teachers。 a most discouraging fact is that children taught at home and do not go out to schools will develop strange characteristics which will eventually hinder them when they go out to society。 they are sure to lack ability and skills to cope with various intricate relationships which cannot not be acquired through home education environment。 and they will end up as crippled。

as the matter stands, home education is not so important as to deserve more merit than is already exaggerated。



There are five people in my family, father, mother, sister, brother and I, my family lives on the third floor, I know many neighbors, they are good to me.

My father work in a motor company in linkou, he have to go to work every day to seven, eight o 'clock in the evening to get back home, mom didn't go to work, so she stays at home every day doing housework, send us adding and dropping classes, help my sister do lunch at noon.
