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时间: kaka003 互汇语录网

小编给大家分享课题四:综合练习(共3篇)精选的范文,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:李欢欢。






教学过程 :





先指名学生读题,然后让学生写出横线上面的数,集体订正时,让学生说一说是怎样写的,使学生进一步明确写亿以上的数,要从高位起,一级一级往下写;哪个数位上一个单位也没有,就要在那一位上写0。同时要结合第4小题说明储蓄对国家和个人都 有好处,存款多了说明人民生活富裕了,还要提醒学生注意节约,不要浪费每一分钱。





做题前,教师板书出两组数:2440000000     244000000

356000000      358000000











1. 下图所示为在理想状态下和自然环境中某生物的

种群数量变化曲线。下列对阴影部分的解释正确的`是(   )





A. ①③         B. ②③

C. ①④         D. ②④



型。根据实验目的,选用的培养基类型是                                (    )

注:L―亮氨酸  S―链霉素  “+”―加入  “-”―不加入




















篇3:综合练习四 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. Mr. White works as a lawyer now, but he in a company for several years.

A.worked B.has worked C.had worked D.has been working

2. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper it closely.

A.followed B.to follow C.following D.being followed

3. I’ll be away for a few days. If anything happens, telephone me email me to save money.

A.and B.or C.but D.then

4. To pay to see that movie will be foolish you can see it on TV for nothing.

A.where B.when C.however D.that

5. As teachers we should concern with what is said, not what we think .

A.have to be said B.must say C.ought to be said D.need to say

6. Although Tom agreed with her on most points, here was one he was unwilling to give in.

A.on which B.in which C.to which D.with which

7. It _______ to her that she might as well talk it over with Xiao Liu.

A. happened B. occurred C. became D. came

8. She is in a poor _______ of health, which worries her mother much.

A.position B.situation C.state D.condition

9. ________ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

A.Having checked B.Check C.If you check D.To check

10. _______ send me a check? I haven’t received it yet.

A. Could you B. Would you C. Are you going to D. Were you going to

11. You ______ out enjoying yourself when you ought to have been studying.

A. will be B. would be C. are D. were

12. After hospitals buy expensive equipment, they must try to _________ the money they have spent.

A. recover B. reduce C. remove D. receive

13. It _________ Jack that parked the car like that as he’s the only one who can drive.

A. might be B. could be C. must have been D. ought to be

14. Please ________ when you go out at night in this city. It can be very dangerous.

A. look out B. take care C. hurry up D. wake up

15. -How would you like your beef? -________.

A. Well-done B. It’s OK. Thank you C. The stronger, the better D. That’s enough

16. The residents(居民), _______ had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.

A. all of their homes B. all their homes C. whose all homes D. all of whose homes

17. The young man we followed stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction.

A. seeing B. to have seen C. having seen D. to see

18. Eating too much fat can ________ to heart disease and high blood pressure.

A. devote B. attend C. contribute D. turn

19. ________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one

20.He is ready to help others ,seldom, refusing them when they turn to him.

A.if never B.if ever C.if not D.if any

21. After he gave a report about the school, Mr White____ the visitors around it.

A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing

22. - Tom works hard at English.?

-_____, and _____.

A. So does he; so you do B. So you do; so is he

C. So he will; so do you D. So he does; so do you

23. When you write to him, please _____ him.

A. give my loves to B. give my regard to C. remember me to D. give my wishes for

24. We have done things we ought not to have done and___ undone things we ought to have done.

A. left B. leave C. will leave D. leaving

25. People are puzzled _____ they read the book.

A. the first time B. at the first time C. for the first time D. at first

26. In some countries,_____ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.

A. that B. which C. as D. what

27. - The boy is tall enough _____ his age.

-Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age.

A. to; shorter B. at; taller C. at; shorter D. for; shorter

28. -Who are you waiting for?

- _____ the man wounded in the left leg.

A. The doctor will operate on B. Tie nurse to be looked after

C. The doctor to operate on D. His brother got

29. -How did you _____ the movie last night?

-Oh, both interesting and instructive.

A. find B. consider C. think D. feel

30. With his son _____, the old man felt unhappy.

A. to disappoint B. to be disappointed C. disappointing D. being disappointed

31. The food tastes _____ and sells _____.

A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good

32. The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there _____ more beautiful.

A. making; look B. to make; looked C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked

33. It' s too late to go out for a drive around now. _____, it's starting to pour down.

A. Besides B. Meanwhile C. However D. Anyhow

34. Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher, so we had no _____ finding his home.

A. difficulties in B. difficulty with C. difficulty D. difficulty to

35. I can't understand it, will you please _____ once more?

A. explain that word B. repeat that word

C. explain us that word D. explain that word for us

36. --Do take it. I don't need two.


A. Really, I can't, but thank you just the same B. Yes, you can give it to others

C. I can't, because I don't like it D. Thank you. I'll take both

37. -- was it you discovered the secret of his?

--Totally by chance.

A. How; that B. How; when C. What; that D. What; when

38.-Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.


A. Heard it . B. Got it . C. Made it . D. Taken it .

39.-Why do the Japanese prefer to use foreign words ?

-By using _________ foreign word you can make ___________ subject seem new.

A. a ; a B./;/ C. the ; a D. the ; the

40._________ is Britain now used to be three different countries and over many years the three countries became one .

A. It B. What C. Where D. As

41.Yassin’s death was not _________ to stop Hamas’ ability to ________ terror attack.

A.hoped; go on B.decided; hold out

C.intended; break out D.expected; carry out

42.I was advised to arrange for insurance(保险) __________ I needed medical treatment.

A.nevertheless B.although C.in case D.so that

43.-I’m sorry I broke your teapot.


A.Forget it. B.Bad luck C.Oh, is that so? D.Really?

44.Our school is no longer _________ it was 10 years ago, _________ it was not well equipped.

A.what; which B.that; which C.what; when D.that; where

45.Then ________ we had been looking forward to.

A.came the hour B.the hour came

C.comes the hour D.the hour is coming

46. Mary cares about clothes too much, and she _____ too much money _____ clothes.

A. spend; in B.cost; at C. pays; to D. spends; on

47. Our kind teacher wanted to teach us _____ he knew about this lesson.

A. that B. all what C. that all D. everything which

48. They started early that morning in order that they_____ there before noon.

A. would get B. got C. must get D. might get

49. Is this research center _____ the foreign guests visited last week?

A. that B. which C. where D. the one

50.--What is the model plane look like?

--Well, the wings of the plane are _____ of its body.

A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length

C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length
